자작 수필, 단상


조은미시인 2023. 3. 17. 19:19

조 은 미

  살다보면  출구가 보이지 않는 어둠 속에 갇혀  미로를 헤멜 때가 있다. 내 힘으로 어째해 볼 도리가 없을 때 막막하고 속타는 심정을 어떻게 말로 다 할까?

  요즘은 집을 가지고 있는 집주인들의 수난 시대이다. 은행이자가  월세보다 높은 탓에 전세보다 윌세를 선호한다. 대부분 전세 보증금 반환 능력이 없는 집 주인들은 세입자가 나가겠다고하면 그 때부터 가슴앓이가 시작된다. 다음  세입자가 전세로 들어올 사람이 없으니  은행 대출이 안되는 집주인들은 피가 마른다.

  402호 전세 세입자  만기가 바득바득 다가온다. 젊은 부부가 아파트 당첨이 되어 입주날을 받이놓고  새로운 세입자가 들어오기를 학수고대 하고 있다. 주택 경기가 얼어붙은 탓인지 집을  보러 오는 사람이 한 사람도 없다. 돌려줄 보증금이 준비되지 않은 나도 속이 까맣게 타들어간다. 은행 문턱은 높기만 하다. 우리 같은 은퇴자는 담보가 아무리 많아도 대출 받기가  하늘의 별 따기다. 내 의무를 다 못해 다른 사람 일이 낭패를 보게 될까 봐 노심초사 하게 된다.  은행마다 대출이 어렵다는 대답을 듣고 돌아나오는 마음이  허탈하고  기운이  빠진다.

  시장 안에  새마을 금고 간판이 보인다.  거래도 없는 은행이다. 지푸라기라도 잡는 심정으로 들어가 대출 상담을 했다. 신용도와 담보물 등을 살펴보고 흔쾌히 대출을 해줄수 있다고 한다. 순간  한줄기 빛이 출구를 비취는 듯 했다.  뛸듯이 기뻤다.  안도의 숨을  내 쉬며 집으로 돌아오는 발걸음이  가볍다.

  저녁을 막 먹고  나 앉는 참이다. 부동산에서 전화가 왔다.
  " 사모님  402호  월세로 들어 오겠다는 사람이 있는데 계약하러 오실래요?" 순간  흥분과 감동으로  가슴이 벅차오른다. 부동산  문을 열고 들어 섰다.  두 부부가  교사란다. 신분과 직장이 확실하여 월세 내는데도 문제가 없어 보인다. 일단 안심이 된다. 인상도 좋고 예의도 발랐다. 이렇게 좋은 분들을 골라서 보내주시느라 이리 기다리게 하셨는가 보다.  

  그동안 나를 위해서 기도하며 애써주신 모든 분들의 기도가 응답되는 순간이다. 하나님은 가장 적당한 그 분의 때에 역사하시는 분이다. 감사가 절로  넘친다. 지금까지 그래 왔던 것 처럼 언제나 위기 상황에서 피할 길을 열어 주시고 가장 좋은 길로 인도해 주신다.

새마을 금고에서 예상보다 더 많은 자금을 대출 받을 수  있어서
401호도  월세로  돌릴 수 있는 길이 열렸다. 무엇보다 기쁜 것은 내가 4층으로 이사가지 않아도 된다는 사실이다.  
계약서를 들고 돌아오는 발걸음이  이렇게 가벼울 수가 없다.  

  모든 근심 걱정이 사라진다. 간절한 기도 응답이 아닐 수 없다. 혼자 앉아 있어도 웃음이 절로 나온다.  파안대소하는 웃음 소리가 온거실을 채운다. 곧 401호도 좋은 소식이 있으리라 믿는다.  
뒤란에 죽은 줄 알았던 튤립과  수선화가 파릇하게 새순을 내밀고 올라온다.
사고나서 수리점에 들어 갔던 내 차도 오늘 새차가 되어 돌아왔다. 모든 것이 합하여 선을 이루시는 그 분의  역사하심 앞에 겸허해진다. 감사 함으로 두손 모으며  환하게 보이는 출구를 향해 힘찬 걸음을 내딛는다.

Cho eunmi

   In our lives, there are times when we get stuck in a maze with no way out.  How can I put into words the desperate and burning feeling when I have no way to do anything on my own?

  These days, it is the age of suffering for homeowners who own houses.  Because the bank interest is higher than the monthly rent, they prefer the monthly to the charter rent.  Most of the landlords who do not have the ability to return the charter rent deposit start to feel heartache when the tenant says they want to move out.  Since there is no one for the next tenant to enter the charter rent, the blood of landlords who cannot afford bank loans is drying up.
  The chartered tenant of room 402 expiary is fast approaching .  A young couple has won an apartment and is waiting for a new tenant to move in .  Perhaps because the housing market is frozen, no one comes to see the house.  I'm not ready to return the deposit, so I'm burning inside.  Bank thresholds are high.  For retirees like  me, getting a loan is ldufficult ike picking stars from the sky.  I worry that if I do not do my duty, I will ruin other people's work.  After hearing the answer from each bank that it is not possible to get a loan, I feel depressed and lose my energy.

   Walking  back  home Inside the market, I can see the signboard of Saemaeul Vault.  It is not my transactional bank.  I went in and consulted for a loan with the feeling of grabbing at least a straw.  Bank worker is said that they can readily lend money after looking at my credit rating and collateral.  For a moment, a ray of light seemed to illuminate the exit.  I was jumping with joy.  Breathing a sigh of relief, my steps back home are light.

I just had dinner and I'm about to sit down.  A call came from the real estate agent.
"Madam, there is someone who wants to come in for rent in room 402. Would you like to sign a contract?"  For a moment, my heart overflows with excitement and emotion.  I opened the door and entered.  New tanent both couples are teachers.  It seems that there is no problem in paying the monthly rent as the status and job are reliable.  Once I was relieved  to  see who  had a good impression and was polite.  I guess  God made me wait this long because he chose and sent such good people.

This is the moment when the prayers of all those who have been praying for me and working hard are being answered.  God is the One who works at His most appropriate time.  Gratitude overflows.  As has always been the case, he always opens the way to escape in a crisis situation and guides me to the best path.

I was able to borrow more funds than expected from the Saemaul Vault.
Room 401 has also opened a way to turn it into a monthly rent.  What I am most happy about is the fact that I do not have to move to the 4th floor.
The step back with the contract can't be this light.

All worries disappeared.  It can't be a desperate prayer answer.  Even when sitting alone, loud laughter comes out naturally.  The sound of laughter fills the whole living room.  I believe that room 401 will have good news soon.

  Tulips and daffodils, which were thought to be dead in the backyard, come up with new shoots.
   My car, which went into a repair shop after an accident, today came back as a new car. I humble myself before the work of the God who works all things unite for good.  I put my hands together in gratitude and take a strong step toward the brightly visible exit.

Cho eunmi

   In our lives, there are times when we get stuck in a maze with no way out.  How can I put into words the desperate and burning feeling when I have no way to do anything on my own?

   The tenant of room 402 expiary is fast approaching .  A young couple has won an apartment and is waiting for a new tenant to move in .  Perhaps because the housing market is frozen, no one comes to see the house.  I'm not ready to return the deposit, so I'm burning inside.  Bank thresholds are high.  For retirees like  me, getting a loan is ldufficult ike picking stars from the sky.  I worry that if I do not do my duty, I will ruin other people's work.  After hearing the answer from each bank that it is not possible to get a loan, I feel depressed and lose my energy.

   Walking  back  home Inside the market, I can see the signboard of Saemaeul Vault.  It is not my transactional bank.  I went in and consulted for a loan with the feeling of grabbing at least a straw.  Bank worker is said that they can readily lend money after looking at my credit rating and collateral.  For a moment, a ray of light seemed to illuminate the exit.  I was jumping with joy.  Breathing a sigh of relief, my steps back home are light.

I just had dinner and I'm about to sit down.  A call came from the real estate agent.
"Madam, there is someone who wants to come in for rent in room 402. Would you like to sign a contract?"  For a moment, my heart overflows with excitement and emotion.  I opened the door and entered.  New tanent both couples are teachers.  It seems that there is no problem in paying the monthly rent as the status and job are reliable.  Once I was relieved  to  see who  had a good impression and was polite.  I guess  God made me wait this long because he chose and sent such good people.

This is the moment when the prayers of all those who have been praying for me and working hard are being answered.  God is the One who works at His most appropriate time.  Gratitude overflows.  As has always been the case, he always opens the way to escape in a crisis situation and guides me to the best path.

I was able to borrow more funds than expected from the Saemaul Vault.
Room 401 has also opened a way to turn it into a monthly rent.  What I am most happy about is the fact that I do not have to move to the 4th floor.
The step back with the contract can't be this light.

All worries disappeared.  It can't be a desperate prayer answer.  Even when sitting alone, loud laughter comes out naturally.  The sound of laughter fills the whole living room.  I believe that room 401 will have good news soon.

  Tulips and daffodils, which were thought to be dead in the backyard, come up with new shoots.
   My car, which went into a repair shop after an accident, today came back as a new car. I humble myself before the work of the God who works all things unite for good.  I put my hands together in gratitude and take a strong step toward the brightly visible exit.

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